Depression is a disease of the mind. Zen
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, which is about ntal state, may offer a new
perspective of the disease. You may even heal depression with Zen.Depression is
a devastating ntal illness affecting millions of people all over the worlds.
Depression is a ntal condition due to distorted thinking. In distorted thinking,
the mind does not see things as what they really are. That is to say, a
depressed individual tends to "see" and "hear" things with the brain, instead of
with the eyes and the ears. Given that a perception is a reality, the distorted
thoughts create deceptive perceptions that bee "real" to that depressed
individual. Over ti, these distorted perceptions continue to talk to that
individual in the form of internal dialogues, causing more ntal confusion. As a
result, that individual begins to lose his or her own identity, not knowing what
to do
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, drifting from one thing to another,
feeling incapitated in dealing with the problems of life. The feeling of
inertness and the sense of loss are so of the mon charteristics of
depression.One of the reasons why modern psychiatry may not be effective in
dealing with depression is that it focuses on "analyzing" the ntal and
behavioral problems of the patient with the explicit purpose of helping the
patient to "avoid" them in the future. But, aording to Zen, that is extly where
the problem originates. In Zen, there is no such a sickness as "depression"
because ntal illness is no more than a condition of the mind with distorted
thoughts of self and reality.To illustrate, many depressed individuals have a
distorted perception of self-worth: they wi they were soone else. Zen focuses on
who you are, rather than what you want to bee. Zen purges the mind of any low
self-esteem. Wanting to be soone you would like to bee is the source of pain —
just as longing for things that are not obtainable, and expecting results that
are not t. Once the pain is created, the patient or the psychiatrist begins to
seek "analysis" and "explanation" of the pain, hoping to find a "solution" to
the problem
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, thereby enabling the patient to "avoid"
the pain in the future. Unfortunately, that bees the cause of more pain and more
ntal confusion.Aording to Zen, life is never a problem to be solved. If there is
no problem, why do you need a solution? Life never has a problem, and if there
is a problem, that is because you have created the problem for yourself. So, if
there is no problem, then why do you need to "analyze" and "explain" the
problem? The problem with modern psychiatry is that once you have created a
problem, you need a solution to the problem. In attempting to solve the problem,
you begin to analyze the problem and examine the options available to solve the
problem. In the process
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, you generate stress, which only aggravates
the problem. You bee more confused and ntally depressed.Live a life of Zen —
living in the present mont, with no problems, and no expectations. You can heal
depression with Zen.Zen is about spontaneity — the naturalness of things. In Zen
living, you do not strive to analyze or explain what happens in your life. You
just learn to embre whatever that may e your way. Life is to be experienced, not
just to be enjoyed. Therefore, you do not try to avoid anything in life. Neither
do you try to "aept" what is pleasant and "reject" what is unpleasant; the very
t of "selecting" is a sickness of the mind. To heal depression with Zen, you
must learn to let go — not just of the past (especially a traumatic past
experience that might have triggered the depression) but also what you are
afraid to let go. Once you mind bees uncluttered by distorted thoughts, you
begin to look at everything in your life in perspective. Once you see the
priorities in your life, you may learn to let go of everything
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, including your past, and you are well on the
way to healing depression.